Safer independent living.
Our app makes grandparents or any older adult living on their own safer, and helps you make sure they are fine while you can’t be there. 
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Screenshots of the Dooinwell app
We make grandparents or any older adult living on their own safer
help you make sure they are fine while you can't be there

coming soon to the App Store

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to beta test

How it works

for your parent

Safety check-ins

Your parent has a new routine: checking in. A few times a day, during specific time slots, your parent submits an in-app check-in. 

Reminders help your parent to not miss check-ins.

Screenshot of the main screen of the Dooinwell app, showing a list of check-ins for the day.

Check-ins are fast and simple. Your parent simply confirms being okay or request that you get in touch. 

Screenshot of the Dooinwell app showing a check-in submissionScreenshot of an iPhone lock-screen with a Dooinwell notification

Check-ins are fast and simple. Your parent simply confirms being okay or request that you get in touch.

Reminders help your parent not to miss check-ins.

You can set between 1 to 4 check-ins per day, at the time of your choice

Outings registration

Your parent registers their planned activities before leaving home and set an expected duration. When back, they confirm being safely back home. 

A single tap to confirm being safely back home.  

Screenshot of the Dooinwell app showing the out-of-home monitoring module.

Selecting activities suggest an out-of-home duration that can be adjusted. 

Screenshot of the Dooinwell app showing the registration of an out-of-home activity. Screenshot of the Dooinwell app showing an on-going out-of-home activity.

Selecting activities suggest an out-of-home duration that can be adjusted.

A single tap to confirm being safely back home.

Kiosk-mode (optional)

For parents not in the habit of checking their phone, you can use a dedicated iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad on a stand. This triggers special features that helps your parent successfully comply.

Picture of an iPhone on a stand with the Dooinwell app in kiosk mode - currently in idle mode with a dimmed screen.

In kiosk mode, the screen is dimmed and shows the clock when no action is expected from your parent. 

Screenshot of an iPhone on a stand with the Dooinwell app in kiosk-mode - with a pending action.

When your parent has to take action, the screen lights up and hence will grab their attention.   

Also, a sound plays when the required action is about to expire. 

Sound icon to highlight the existence of sounds prompts when the Dooinwell app is in kiosk-mode.

In kiosk mode, the screen is dimmed and shows the clock when no action is expected from your parent.

When your parent has to take action, the screen lights up and hence will grab their attention. Also, a sound plays when the required action is about to expire.

You can repurpose an old iPhone or iPad with weak battery as the kiosk device remains power-connected 

iPhone stand not included. Pictures show a Lamicall stand, available on Amazon.

Hands-free safety with Siri Shortcuts

With “Hey Siri” near an iPhone, iPad or HomePod, your parent can request your assistance with their voice only, without the need to physically reach a device.

Hey Siri,
I need help
A training mode is available to help parents master and trust the voice command
Picture of an home with coverage for Siri usage in various area of the home.

Evaluate a full-home coverage

With multiple HomePod mini speakers placed around your parent’s home, you can make them safer with hands-free access to our Siri Shortcuts from virtually any room and location, plus access to other great Siri safety and entertainment features.

HomePod or HomePod mini not included


Information submitted by your parent are not disclosed to you unless we suspect a safety issue. The app won't change your relationship and you’ll continue to learn what your parent has been up to through your calls and visits. 

Screenshot of the main screen of the Dooinwell Link app.

You and other relatives will only get to see check-in confirmations if no safety issues have been suspected. 

Screenshot of the Sign in with Apple module.

We exclusively use
Sign in with Apple which offers best-in-class privacy options when signing up to an app. 

You and other relatives will only get to see check-in confirmations when no safety issues have been suspected.

How it works

for you and other relatives

Always in the know

Through the app or right on the watch face of your Apple Watch, you’re always in capacity to confirm we’ve got a fresh update from your parent. It will help you worry less in-between your calls and visits. 

Screenshot of the main screen of the Dooinwell Link app.

The app highlights our current assessment of your parent safety without requiring that you dive into the details.

Picture of an Apple Watch with the Dooinwell Link app complication.

Add one of our Apple Watch complications to your watch face and our safety assesment will show at a glance on your wrist.

The app highlights our current assesment of your parent safety without requiring that you dive into the details.

Add one of our Apple Watch complications to your watch face and our safety assesment will show at a glance on your wrist.

Smart alerts

You get an alert if something raises doubt on your parent safety. Dooinwell alerts are delivered to your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, and - when critical - they appear and play a sound even on a device that is in Silent or Do Not Disturb mode. 

Dooinwell alert on an iPhone lock screen Dooinwell alert on an iPhone lock screen Dooinwell alert on an iPhone lock screen Dooinwell alert on an iPhone lock screen
Call request
Your parent submitted a check-in but indicated they need to be in touch with you.
Missed check-in
Your parent missed a check-in while not being registered as out-of-home.
Exceeded out-of-home duration
The expected duration of an out-of-home activity is exceeded and your parent has not yet registered as being back home.
Assistance request
Your parent has requested assistance through a hands-free Siri Shortcuts.

Alerts requiring immediate action are delivered to your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch as critical alerts, meaning they appear and play a sound even when the Silent or Do Not Disturb mode is enabled. They will also get pinned to the top of the notification center until you explicitely dismiss them.

Well informed, only when you need to

In addition to sending an alert, a suspicious situation momentarily unlocks access to information that helps you assess whether there are reasons to worry.

Screenshot of the Dooinwell Link app, showing the location of the older adult on a map.

Access the latest known status and location of your parent's devices, only until the situation gets resolved.

Screenshot of the Dooinwell Link app showing information about an on-going out-of-home activity.

if an outing was registered, see what your parent was planning to do.

Access the latest known status and location of your parent's devices.

if an outing was registered, see what your parent was planning to do.

The Dooinwell service is not an emergency alert system. The safety of your parent also requires their capacity to contact emergency services at all times. 

iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Siri, Siri Shortcuts and HomePod are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

The Android robot is modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.

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